Mediation for Divorce: Clearance Through the Storm

Mediation for Divorce: Clearance Through the Storm

Divorce may be like negotiating dense fog without headlights. Conventional courtfights? Stressful and wallet-draining, like paying toll every few kilometers on a road you hardly want to be on. Now enter mediation alternative dispute resolution, a more intimate, quiet...

Merrimack Mediation

Merrimack Mediation 227 Chelmsford Street, Chelmsford, MA, 01824 978-250-4980 Home Divorce Mediation saves time a money, but it also eliminates a lot of the anxiety, emotional exhaustion, and unnecessary conflict that can result from a...

Kalabokis Law. PLLC

Kalabokis Law. PLLC 227 Chelmsford Street, Chelmsford, Massachusetts, 01824 (978) 250-4980 At Kalabokis Law, PLLC, we understand that family matters can be complex and emotionally challenging. Our experienced...